Trios Tournament 2024 RP Part 2: Konrad's future World Title Cash In Trios Contract Discussions/Blog about the tournament, his partners and his opponents.

Atlanta, Georgia. Sunday 8th September. (Offline)

Man, I love coming back to this place to race since I'm undefeated at this track; although Daniel and Busch were close to defeating me on that track back in February, I got the upper hand of them all. I also walked away with a win last night in the Xfinity Series, so I couldn't go to Breakdown the previous night. Now, things were different as today's discussion wasn't about climbing mountains, getting tired of doing them quite frankly, but I know it's for my own good. 

It was early hours of the morning when I was lying on the sofa in my apartment since Atlanta Motor Speedway was only a five-minute walk away, waiting for Ross to come as my wife, Jasmine Williams, was here also, in our bedroom, lying down with the door closed, sleeping as she was pregnant with triplets we found out on Wednesday.

In fact, it was only two hours ago this morning that I discovered who my partners were for the Trios Tournament. After so many interviews, team reviews and press conferences, it was one in the morning, and I went straight to sleep. So consider my discovery when I saw two dimwits I had to settle with on a stupid Princess and a stupid masked man who's the current TV Champion, and I already know what Ross is going to say.

But I had to wait for his arrival before he could say it as he rang the doorbell. I got up from the sofa and opened the door to see Ross standing there. He walked in, and I shook his hand before he walked to my sofa. Once again, I prepared the Rockstar Energy drinks with no sugar, as they were my sponsors this week. I sat, and we each opened our cans of Rockstar Energy drinks and drank them.

Ross Barnes: "I hope you know who your partners are, right?"

Konrad Raab: "I did two hours ago. Had no time to watch Breakdown last night."

Ross Barnes: "Ah, right, because you won the Xfinity Series Atlanta race."

I nodded at Ross because I was proud to have won the Atlanta race. After all, it was the first ever race I won my first NASCAR race, and I've not been defeated; a bit like Waylon's wrestling streak and TV title run, he's got going for him. Ross cleared his throat and drank some of the energy drink.

Ross Barnes: "Moving on, we are here to discuss the Trios Tournament. Now, what I would like for you to do is to work with your partners this time around. I did some digging from your previous efforts in the Trios Tournament, and you went all for yourself, costing the team and yourself the match."

Konrad Raab: "Because back then, I couldn't trust Selena or Alexis because I was facing betrayal team issues and didn't trust anyone. Thanks to Dakon and Ludvig and, in part, Asher Hayes and Kim Williams, I now have more trust with some wrestlers, but not entirely everyone."

Ross Barnes: "Regardless of your feelings towards Waylon and Yusa, you have to get along with them and work with them this time, and I don't care about your alliance with Ludvig and Dakon either. You're doing it; that's the problem-solving task you must battle with."

Konrad Raab: "And what will they think if they see me work with Waylon and Yusa? They'll think I'm betraying them, and you know full well about that story I rather not talk about over and over again, you fucking asshole."

I knew once again I shouldn't have yelled and shouted, considering Jasmine told me to control my anger during her pregnancy, but when shit like that goes against my own will, I have to say something back, even if angrily and aggressively. I shook my head and knew I had to go and see Jasmine immediately from the experience I had yesterday when I flew off the roof about being reminded about the Watkins Glen Road Course race next week and the discovery of my partners for the tournament two weeks ago. She cried and called my name.

Konrad Raab: "Stay the fuck here, and don't follow me."

I went upstairs, opened the bedroom door, and then closed it behind me as I hugged her, breathing in and out before I explained the situation.

Konrad Raab: "Sorry, Ross pissed me off by going against everything I believe in. Forcing me to get along and work with two dimwits for this tournament? I'm not betraying my tag partners to get along with them, but the team feel like I will."

Jasmine Williams: "I told you to control your anger and consider me more when I'm pregnant because hearing you be angry just scares me and makes me cry, feeling unsafe and in danger."

I rubbed and kissed her stomach, and it was a reminder I needed to hear once again. I was finding it difficult to contain my anger this week. I nodded and understood my wife as I kissed her.

Konrad Raab: "You're not. I apologise for that. You continue to sleep, and I will try to control my anger. I love you."

Jasmine Williams: "I love you too."

We kissed before I exited the bed and opened the bedroom door. I closed it before I went downstairs and shook my head, wanting to scream from the top of my lungs about another problem-solving task I had to solve within myself. Despite not wanting him to speak anymore, Ross had more to say, but he had to.

Ross Barnes: "Getting back to where we were, you have to; it's the only way you're going to accomplish your goal. You needed a problem-solving task, and getting along and working with Yusa and Waylon is one of those things."

Konrad Raab: "Yeah, that's just one of two things troubling me."

Ross Barnes: "You still not ready for the World Title?"

Konrad Raab: "OK, add that to the troubling things. I don't know if I want to go for the World Title. I still don't feel confident in going for that title."

Ross shook his head. I told him the truth, but he disagreed with what I said as I drank some Rockstar no-sugar energy drink.

Ross Barnes: "I'm making you have no choice. If you win the Trios Tournament, I'm ensuring your contract states for the World Title match because you need to go for it. You need that title shot more than you think."

Konrad Raab: "I'm still anxious and fearful of preparing for them, despite Josh Hudson being the only champion right now that's worth facing."

Ross Barnes: "We are still working on that, aren't we? You are going to win Trios to cash in on the World Title match, you need to, and you're going to do it a..............."

I shook my head at Ross, as that was the other problem-solving task I had to battle. OK, fine. He wants me to cash my contract in for the World Title, but he was going to say do it at a PPV event. I had to stop him because something caught my attention during the break, and I had to admit that to him.

Konrad Raab: "I don't know if I want to cash my contract for a World Title match at Rise To Greatness anymore. Things have changed now."

Ross Barnes: "Like with what?"

Konrad Raab: "There's a PPV scheduled in Germany next year. Now, I can't decide whether to have this world title match at Rise To Greatness PPV or a world title match at the German PPV. My head is a fucking mess."

Ross Barnes: "I understand, and I can't make that decision for you. You have to make it yourself; whatever your decision is on the PPV location, I will support it. But you must cash in the contract for the world title match to get out of your comfort zone. You have to, for yourself, because of this."

He touched my heart; knowing it was something I had to fight within my heart was the message. I totally get it. He wants me to get out of my comfort zone and finally have the balls to challenge the World Champion, but I'm still afraid, even if Josh Hudson is the only champion worth facing.

Konrad Raab: “I understand. That's on top of the mess of me missing practice and qualifying on Thursday in Bristol if we beat Reed, Lawler and La Pequena Luz."

Ross Barnes: "I'm sure Kaulig Racing understand wrestling comes first, right?"

Konrad Raab: "Yeah, but it's the last race before the NASCAR Xfinity Series playoffs begin, Ross. Starting from the back means my chances of retaining the Xfinity Series regular-season championship are gone."

Ross Barnes: "You don't know that for sure. Anything can happen in racing as it does with wrestling. The team, I'm sure, will sort out a driver to qualify and practice the car for you before racing on Friday. I think you're just on edge because of Trios and the multiple problem-solving tasks you got ahead of you to solve yourself."

He was right. I was very much on edge, and that's on top of everything I had to sort out after the tournament. It was putting a lot of stress on myself. I had a drink of my energy drink, and he said another thing for me to do.

Ross Barnes: "I also want you to do what other wrestlers plan to do in their videos or your blog, in your case: speak positive and give yourself some love, confidence, and self-esteem. I get you have to talk about your opponents, but you must make sure you speak about yourself, your goals, and, most importantly, what you will do if you win the Trios Tournament contract."

Konrad Raab: "But I'm not sure what PPV to do it on."

Ross Barnes: "That doesn't matter. You have to do this for yourself and speak confidently about yourself and your plans for the world title. Anyway, I have to go, I've got other people to see, and I'll leave you to prepare for the Atlanta race later today. Just bear in mind in everything I say, alright?"

Konrad Raab: "Fine."

He places all the papers in his suitcase and zips it up before picking up the Rockstar no-sugar energy drink. He stands up, walks to the door, and closes it to leave my apartment. I knew he wanted me to go for the World Title, but he had a valid point that I needed to do it for my heart and to get out of my comfort zone, on top of other valid points he made. 

I need to see my wrestling team tomorrow to discuss the situation because I'm concerned about that. I can only focus on telling them the problem, and for them to understand why, I must find a way to get along and work with Waylon and Yusa. I went to the bedroom and lay with Jasmine for an hour before I headed to the track to prepare for the Atlanta Cup race and tell Chris Rice, the main boss of Kaulig Racing, about the situation I could be in two weeks if we advance in the tournament.


I know what goal I want to achieve when I win the Trios contract with my partners in crime blog (Online).

"Oh yes, you've heard me right. After the mistake I made in the past of losing the match for our team because of teamwork issues I had, I know deep down that despite my opinions of my dimwit tag partners, I have to force myself to get along with them this time around. I have to; it's that simple. Waylon is a guy who's much like me with NASCAR Atlanta Motor Speedway races, undefeated in his SCW matches here, and Yusa recently won a shot for a title shot, despite me knowing she didn't deserve to be in that match, but I admire she went in there and won. That's for another day.

I know you must be shocked right now that I'm willing to work with my partners, but I've already spoken to my actual tag team about it, and they understand why I have to this time. It doesn't fucking matter because I'm still going to brutalise, hurt and be the angry son of a bitch to do absolutely everything it takes to win this tournament, primarily for myself, yes, but also for Waylon's and Yusa's chances too.

Oh, and here's another thing that will shock you wrestlers that have already mentioned me not giving a fuck about titles. Sure, I didn't in the past, but I've changed now because I'm in this tournament for that purpose, a contract to cash it in on anything I want. But the fact is, I know what I'm going to do with this contract because it's something, to be honest, I need to do for myself, cashing it in for the World Title match because I've known to neglect them my entire career for reasons I won't get into. Still, I fucking want to get there, and if it means I have to team and find myself a way to get along with them to do that, so be fucking it.

I instead do that than take part in a bullshit unrealistic Taking Hold Of The Flame rumble where the chances of you winning a World Title shot for Rise To Greatness are extremely low. I won't ignore my opponents, Chris Lawler, Scott Reed and Luz, but the fact is that they aren't going to test me with violence; although Luz has beef with my tag partners, that's mostly because you are solely a tag wrestler, and that's the truth. I can see Scott going far if he can find who he wants to be without Kirsten getting in his face and Chris Lawler finding what he wants to do with his career in SCW because I haven't fully figured you out, Chris. You are settled with getting your hands on Waylon, who's far better than you at every level, and Yusa is, too. As painful as it is to say that, it's true.

You're also no match for this angry prick who will have no issues unleashing his anger to beat the fuck out of you, Scott and Luz especially. Also, you three are no match for me, Waylon and Yusa. They want this more than the three of you do, and the same with me. I'm not known to scream in everyone's faces on being so desperate to win a title shot like other wrestlers, but waiting for the right time is the best thing. 

The point is it doesn't fucking matter what you stupid pricks will say or do because the only person on the team that's remotely done anything is Luz, and that's for the tag titles. We all won titles or got a title shot in the bag. We have the most experienced team; we're certainly the most threatening because I need to go out and win this tournament, and Waylon and Yusa also need to win. I'm willing to put the shit I have with them behind me just for this tournament.

If we advance, I'm looking forward to facing the violent fighters that will test me like Xander, Blake, who I've always wanted to face and the champion I feel is the only one that's a threat to me right now, Josh Hudson. Also, I can't forget how violent Andrew Raynes was in the past. These guys will test my violence to the next level, and that's a hard thing for me to admit. Causing violence on Scott Reed, Chris Lawler, and Luz is easy as pie. Waylon and Yusa may do their own thing in the ring, but it will take every ounce of my fucking strength to not cause issues with them.

However, while I've stated I'm wrestling to win a contract to cash in on the world title, the one thing I'm fighting with right now is when to cash it in. Because I literally have zero idea. Saying that Kirsten Scott, I heard you're coming into the tournament angry; well, all of what you said, fucking bring it because we both be angry together and beat the shit out of each other. I get it, CHBK is a sorry excuse for a general manager, and he has put you in anger management for no reason, but if there's someone who knows about anger, it's me, and I want you to hurt and brutalise me. I'll be doing the same back.

I simply have to get my shot for the World Championship because it's the only title that goes out of my comfort zone. I have to do just that because winning that title will only make something consistently holding me back permanently gone. Reed personally should've continued being beard because he had a personality with it compared to his dull self; Luz needs to find a personality to be interesting because she's been boring her entire career, and Chris Lawler, I don't know what the fuck he's meant to be doing or what his persona is. Still, he doesn't seem interested in addressing his opponents at all, apart from Waylon, and that's disrespectful as fuck.

I want to have a lengthy discussion about you, Luz, because we have a score to settle, but your tag title matches with my team. It only shows that you and your tag partner are too scared to leave your comfort zone. Without them, you'd never be in hardcore tag matches, and you got lucky with the win you got, too. Your entire team is a disgrace, and I will never respect a lucky tag team that refused to put their tag titles on the line against European Fiery Nation like every other tag champion out there neglecting my team because they don't play by the rules like every other boring ass generic tag team out there. The fact is you didn't change anything in the tag division, and nor have the other teams wanted to do the same old basic wrestling crap you can see in every other company. Great work, but you pathetic and sorry excuse of a wrestler that I will be more than happy to crush you because you deserve to feel pain and suffering from me for my actual team who had to put up with your shit.

Tomorrow night, everyone is well and truly fucked as we'll go through the weaklings and face the real violent men like Xander, Hudson, Mason and Raynes, that will brutalise me by giving me a violent war or facing Kirsten Scott, who will be tested with her anger and beat the shit out of me and I'll be doing the same back. Those are the opponents I want to face, and I hope I do.

I will go into this match feeling full of confidence because I have to be when a contract can be cashed in for anything I want. I know it's cliché for everyone near enough wanting to go for the World Title, but it's not like I want to win the World Title for title tally or want to win it for god knows how many times like other people or because it's the top title to win. For me, it's a lot more than those things. It's for myself and my confidence.

I will show everyone how stupid they've made themselves look after doubting my place on the roster for the last few months and prove to you all that I won't speak of titles again when I win because I'm a patient fuck and don't need to scream I want to win titles every five minutes. I will brutalise everyone with Waylon and Yusa doing their jobs of delivering the goods, as I will with them, and win this tournament because we can and will with the threats these two wrestlers are, along with myself. 

I don't know or care what Waylon or Yusa want to do with their contracts, but I know what I'm doing with mine, apart from location, which is a battle I'm fighting in my head. But I will fucking crush you all and fight with every ounce of anger I have to win with Waylon and Yusa as my tag partners for this tournament and work with them to do so."


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